Sunny’s Blues (Memoir)

“Four. Put them bars up. Look at this convict here.” It was better to get that four and land in jail rather than a three, at least, and be bewildered by the hotel sitting at Marvin Gardens, or getting a five, six or eight and landing on either of the four houses on the green spaces, all courtesy of Sunny. I had squatted on Atlantic Avenue already and was running out of money real quick. Sunny knew his way around the monopoly board like a hawk which patrolled its territory. The open skies saw houses and hotels under his deed and nothing but the barren wastelands of the Third Reich under mine. I would come down to hang out with him and a sibling of his every Saturday in the sixth and preceding half of the seventh grade.

Sunny was a brilliant and resilient individual. He was a mixture of calm and shy, what would be perceived as “reserved” for any age. But he dealt his own trade very well. Sunny always knew what he wanted, and never diverged from his goals or true intentions. Sunny lived on the first floor of the building while I dwelled on the fourth. I had known Sunny since elementary school, P.S.130M. It happened that we attended the same junior high school, M.S. 167 Robert F. Wagner. One of the key differences aside from level of outreach in personality between the two of us was work ethic. I always emphasized fun before work and Sunny work above all. On Saturdays I would give Sunny a call sometime in the afternoon and ask if I could come down and hang out. He would almost always say yes because he would finish his school work on Fridays and so I would tread down to the first floor. Vintage Sunny. Good old days.

In early sixth grade the game that everyone invested themselves with was Neopets. By the middle of the year, almost everyone in the class had a virtual pet to feed, equip and battle with. Sunny had a Neopet. I had a Neopet. For some reason Sunny always acquired Neopoints, the monetary value of the Neopet Universe, quicker and more efficiently than I did. I always fathomed how he would pull this off. Whenever we would battle, I would go into the fight on the lower rung of the ladder, as he would out-level me in all Neopet stats and abilities, come in with heftier equipment for battle, and ultimately win the fight. This would go on to have a lot more daunting implications for the year to come.

By mid-to-late sixth grade, in early 2002 a new trend had presented itself. Andrew Gomer’s Jagex platform had brought about a relatively new game called Runescape which I believe was unveiled in 1999 at the earliest, but surely enough, had blossomed into one of the premier games of the time. Runescape was a free MMORPG, which meant that everyone with readied internet access could get their mouse arrow on it. I believe it was Sunny who first informed me of this new phenomenon. A few boring clicks morphed into heightened sensitivity for the Runescape terrain and within a week evolved into the best game I had ever indulged in. Sunny and I used to kill goblins by Lumbridge, the starting point and noob harbor in the game. We would kill them for experience and the petty gold that they left behind, even bury their bones after the fight for prayer points. For some reason Sunny excelled in the game far faster than I did also, as he did in Neopets. It was him who also told me that there was bigger world out there than Lumbridge, that there was a whole world of archery, magic, sword fighting and so forth to explore. He also informed me of quicker methods of making money in that universe. Consequentially, when we fought in that game, he always won. But there are no winners in a real fight.

Every Saturday we would interact on either Neopets or Runescape depending on the calendar (Neopets quickly expired after the popularity of Runescape spread like wildfire) from our desktops. Soon afterward, from 1-4pm I would come down and I would observe Sunny doing his rounds in either of them and marvel at just how well he executes triggers, toggles, commands and game plan/strategy with precision. After that it’d be Monopoly time! The three of us would sit on the floor in the pattern of a triangle. One of us would distribute property, another would play the role of the banker and the third would chip in a little of both. Tiffany was a year older than us. She got into a private school called Poly Prep: Epiphany and would end up studying there from the sixth or seventh grade all the way until the end of the twelfth. She was always bright and hardworking. Perhaps more so than Sunny himself. Hey, I guess it runs in the family. Like Sunny, Tiffany was soft-spoken. But unlike Sunny, Tiffany was sexy. The three of us would play Monopoly for hours on end, sometimes we wouldn’t be able to finish before 7pm, when Sunny’s mother came back. Monopoly was very competitive, as in real world arrangements and ordeals. When it came down to the board, dice, property and money, no one trusted the other. Deals were made between the other two if one party became too dominant. I had my first wet dream off of Tiffany. It came much later but… hey it is what it is. I wish I could’ve hadBreakfast at Tiffany’s after waking up. Sometimes it would be difficult to play with the siblings because Tiffany would get too much of my attention. Never touch a bro’s sister. Don’t even flirt. That’s inscribed in the XY bible.

After on average two or three hours of Monopoly, the three of us would go outside. Sunny and I would head up to the handball court either in front of I.S. 131 or the one behind it to engage in indefinite rounds of handball while Tiffany watched. Handball was the only thing I could beat Sunny at. I didn’t make too much out of it because we were friends. I remember the curved wall that we played in front of the school and how that would angle the deflection of the ball from it and the flat surface which we dueled against at the back of the school. Most of the time it was Monopoly followed by handball, but sometimes it was visa versa. Either way, by the time both had been completed, I usually had to go home.

It happened in the earlier portion of seventh grade. I believe it was November or December of 2002 when it occurred. It was a damp and dark Saturday. I was watching Stephen King’s Needful Things on TV when I got bored. I gave Sunny a call and he said it was alright to go down to the first floor. Him and his sister were playing a game on the Gameboy. I believe it was Warior Land or one of its sequels/spin-offs. When neither Sunny nor his sister could get past a stage in the game, Tiffany inquired for my help. Sunny said to her “he can’t do it, he’s a LOSER.” LOSER. That word stung me like an acupuncture needle in the wrong region of the body. Whenever I feel angry or overwhelmed, I smile. I try to cover it up. It’s like a reflex reaction. And so I smiled. Then I took Sunny’s handball and ran up three flights of stairs and locked the door. He kept banging on my apartment and saying “give me back my ball!” Eventually he was attracting attention from my neighbors so I had to open the door and give him his ball back. He was my best friend for the longest time. And I had lost just that.

In March of 2013 I met up with Sunny. Since September 2006 I had moved to Queens and looking back on things, I finally had the guts to get into the building and knock on his door. We had coffee together in a Starbucks by Broadway. I told him everything that I had written above (except the whole “your sister is hot” thing). I could tell he felt melancholy. I felt worse. I think. I don’t know. But what I do know is that after we parted again, I began to feel the blues. Sunny’s Blues.

2,840 thoughts on “Sunny’s Blues (Memoir)

  1. Julianne Reynoso

    Everywhere you were in this story, I was there, too. You did an amazing job in creating a scene with your details. I also love the descriptions of the games because everyone has to have played at least one MMORPG in their life and they can be really addicting. My favorite line in your piece was about Runscape, “Sunny and I used to kill goblins by Lumbridge, the starting point and noob harbor in the game.” I just find it so funny. Also, I can relate to your line about the distrust between players in Monopoly. I hate who I become whenever I play that game!

    Besides the games, I also think you did a fantastic job in describing your relationship with Sunny. He was obviously someone whom you admired and his insult hurt, but I would have liked to know how you both lost contact. I understand that you considered your friendship lost when he called you a loser, but was it that sudden? Was it mutually accepted that you two were no longer friends?

    The reunion between you two was a great way to end your story and I felt like it wrapped everything perfectly. However, I have two theories about your ending. The first that your reunion was unsuccessful and you having the ‘blues’ was about the full realization that you’d lost a friend. The second, that the reunion was satisfying, but still bittersweet. I’m split between which it is particularly because I translate Sunny “mellow” as relaxed and when you say you are “worse” than relaxed, I wonder if you mean more relaxed, or just the opposite. Perhaps I didn’t read closely enough, and I apologize for that, but if there was a little more clarification about your feelings, I might understand better. Then again, you also describe your emotions as unknown to even you and maybe that was the point. I suppose I understand either way. Great job.

  2. Daniel Song

    I love your intro. I was drawn in like a piece of dust to a black hole. Also the Breakfast at Tiffany’s joke was really funny. The only thing is, I feel like your story weakened towards the end. I get the sad twist, but the emotional gravitas wasn’t there. I wish I could think of something more helpful to say but I got nothing at the moment.

  3. Suresh Eamdhanie

    I really liked the rising tension of your story. The foreshadowing of a fight/conflict brewing between you and Sunny. The lines “his would go on to have a lot more daunting implications for the year to come” and ” when we fought in that game, he always won. But there are no winners in a real fight” did well to make me feel anxious as I read the story and waiting for an moment, any careless phrase to set you off and have you unleash your anger on him.

    The climax was pretty anticlimactic though. I know this is nonfiction and that you can’t simply reimagine yourself punching Sunny in the face and making him tap out to an anclelock; but the reality of the climax was pretty undramatic. You wrote “I had to open the door and give him his ball back. He was my best friend for the longest time. And I had lost just that” this paragraph is too rushed. It seems like a very fragile friendship for it to end so quickly number one and also, what were the emotions, as far as you know, that Sunny was feeling? How were you feeling in the moment? Expand on the banging on the door and the thought process and emotional aftermath of that moment to make the climax better

  4. Gabriela Bayona

    I don’t know if you did this intentionally or not, but I enjoy the fact that you wrote about the times you’ve spent playing a variety of games with your childhood friend, and there’s a weaving of this theme throughout your piece. It gives the writing a sense of relativity that causes the reader to constantly reminisce about his/her own experiences with friends. At least that was my interpretation and the feelings it conveyed in me. Where themes should be fun and exciting, usually alluding to happiness, you’ve managed to make it twist this to exemplify an unfortunate event in your childhood which is that of being at odds with a best friend.
    Your introduction through me off a little in the beginning, mainly because I could quite understand what was going on, but you tied everything up nicely towards the end of the first paragraph. I like your use of references, especially the Breakfast at Tiffany’s bit, and your description of the various games you played with your friend was incredibly helping to people like me who aren’t familiar with the game Runescape. It shows you considered your audience. I would suggest that you try and flesh out more of the aftermath as far as your friendship with Sunny. Your ending feels rushed, I wanted to know more of the details as to what happened in those years of not speaking to each other. Overall though, I really enjoyed this piece. I felt like it was a refreshing work compared to some of your blog responses. I really like this much better, I can get a better sense of you as a writer.

  5. Alicia Camano

    I enjoyed the fact you describe your journey with sunny the flashback of how it all started and transition to what it became later on. It is lamentable how you two ended things. From 2006- 2013 was along time that you and sunny spend apart from each other. The type of relationship you and sunny demonstrate to have is unique, not many people have friends that would have lasted so long as you did. I would have wanted to know more description of the moment you left sunny’s house. That would have evoked more feelings about what you were going through. I felt as if that important moment was too rush. If you put more dialogue between you and sunny will catch the readers attention.

  6. Henry Bucket

    I like the way that you start with an out of the box view of monopoly but the reference to the Third Reich seemed kind of out of place. The begging of this piece is a little slow for me. It needs something to break the obviously overwhelming admiration you had for your friend. I did love the line “But there are no winners in a real fight.” It seemed a little odd and a bit ominous and that really helped add to the mood of this piece at a point where I was almost exasperated with the direction it was going. The change in tempo in the middle of the 5th paragraph was a little abrupt for my taste, but that’s just my personal preference. I also wish that you had focused more on how your separation from your friend affected you. Its obvious you were sad and missed him but I wish you had spent more time on after the incident and less on building up to it. Overall its a good start.

  7. Nadya Antoine

    SImilar to the others, I like the way you flowed through the different games you used to play in your childhood. You recognized that most of your audience is the same age as you and could surely relate to Neopets and Gameboys!

    Structurally, your piece had a lot of tangents and arbitrary streams of consciousness. As a writer, this is appeasing to read and difficult to actually do. This piece pulled it off quite well. Particularly, it gave me additional reasons that affirm your title Sunny’s Blues. You have so many thoughts and recollections about Sunny and his siblings, it was hard to keep any out. Overall great piece. I only think you could have ended a bit stronger. Elaborate more on the idea of the “Blues” in the end.

  8. Kerel Cain

    Your story is written like a sonnet. with the last paragraph being the turn into the action and the resolution; and everything else above the turn being a set up for the turn. the tone of this piece is emotionless, as if your just stating facts instead of letting the story flow naturally. The story is about you and Sunny’s friendship and the crush you had on his sister, focus more on that. The details pull away from the bond of the friendship. another problem with this piece is organization. between shifting things around and “killing your darlings” the story is there. what i mean about organization is when you say ” Tiffany was my first wet dream”. good sentence that works, however because of where you placed it it felt random. at first i thought if you made that sentence its own paragraph then it would work, but it wouldn’t because you write about how sexy Tiffany is (a good place to put the wet dream quote) then go on about playing a game; and then suddenly in the middle of describing this game you mention shes your wet dream. if you placed it earlier its funny by placing it where you placed it it comes off creepy. the details about the game can be cut outt. i was waiting for all this game play to come back but it didn’t. what is illustrated is how much time you guys spent together and how he is better at games than you, but their isn’t a “friend moment”. a moment that i read and identify with as a bonding between two guys that care for one another. but maybe that’s the point. you guys didn’t talk for a decade so how close could you have been. your relationship ended because he embarrassed you in front of your crush something very trivial. the break up is suppose to be meaningful because you set up this grand soliloquy about “this is a day you will never forget” but the friendship and the break up doesn’t read authentically just overtly emotional about something trivial and it comes off childish, which i assume is the theme of this piece: maturity.
    basing friendships off of video games and proximity; ending friendships with name calling and holding decade long grudges not because your still angry but off of principle. this is a nice piece on maturity i just wish it was more organized, less detailed and more transparent.

  9. Sergio Narine

    I found this piece intriguing because the narrator’s friendship with Sunny reminded me of a friend I had in junior high school. We would play Runescape obsessively for countless hours online and convince our classmates to pay us real money for Runescape items. The story is told in a first person point of view and talks about a bittersweet relationship between two friends. The voice of narrator is satirical and dark because the narrator reveals his personal thoughts to the reader in the line, “I had my first wet dream off of Tiffany. It came much later but… hey it is what it is. I wish I could’ve hadBreakfast at Tiffany’s after waking up.” Here we see that the voice of the narrator is a mix of the narrators at his present age and also during his adolescent years because he references an experience that occurs amongst pubesant males along with a more mature experience amongst adults.

    I would suggest that the writer include a stronger reference to The Catcher in The Rye throughout the story because the piece has a similar structure. For example, in the line “Sunny said to her “he can’t do it, he’s a LOSER.” LOSER.” has the characteristics of J.D Salinger’s “Phony,” but it is not obvious to the reader at first glance, so I would suggest that the writer use other moments to reference the book. Also, the writer should describe Sunny’s reaction when the two of them play handball, so that the reader could indirectly find out information about Sunny’s personality. I would like to see the narrator use flashbacks within flashbacks since the piece references James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues. For example, the narrator could talk about Sunny in the sixth grade and then flashback to prior moment when Tiffany first met Sunny or something along the lines of that.

  10. Diali Montalvo

    I like how you are very descriptive in recapping the events in your piece. The way you detail Sunny’s character suggest to the reader his level of importance in your life and intrigued me to find out what was the meaning of your title. I think describing Sunny the way you did help in showing your emotions for him which is something I believe the rest of your piece lacked. I couldn’t help but wonder if there was built up hostility you had towards Sunny to allow some so insignificant ruin the friendship you two shared. I also wished you would’ve touched on how Sunny may have felt. The sentence in which you talk about your wet dream with Tiffany was a little bit random and through off my attention in the story for a moment. I liked your conclusion but it was difficult to sympathize with you being that you didn’t touch on your feelings throughout the years you didn’t speak with him. Your writing is beautiful and really have the ability to capture a moment and engage the reader your use of details.

  11. Orhan Gokkaya

    I like your piece, however, I felt like it was geared toward a limited amount of audience. If I had never played Runescape before, I would never know where Lumbridge would be located at and also it will be a totally different experience if others knew of the game Runescape or Neopets while reading your piece. I like how you are in the piece as a tag alone character. Your use of diction is good as well. I was able to connect to your piece, which was good.

  12. Vanessa

    You have some awkward word choices: outreach in personality, boring clicks, vintage Sunny. Not sure what “Vintage Sunny” was supposed to mean, when the adjective is usually used to describe an aged item? “XY” bible is what? Bro bible? Then use that term. I googled XY bible and it came up with nothing comprehensive.

    Where you wrote “the three of us”—no, you can’t do that. That was so confusing. Before that, you had only talked about Sunny and you. You can’t reference a group as being “the three of us” if not all the members of the group were previously introduced, or even mentioned; that is why I was thrown off by the three of you. Introduce Tiffany before you use a term like that. Also, you should consider using more female-specific adjectives to describe Tiffany to really set a point that you were interested in her and found her attractive. I mean, Sunny may have been sexy as well, but maybe you don’t go that way, you know what I mean? Possibly explore this period when you first began noticing the opposite gender in such a way.

    Where you wrote about his first calling you a loser, I suggest not putting the emphasis on the word “loser” by using all caps within the dialogue. Its impact is more powerful after you repeat the word in the narrative, as if it’s resounding in your head, and your perspective is what shifts the impact of this word. Can you actually expand on this? Give more background information to show us some hint as to why it may have been that he called you a loser, and also how he said this. There was absolutely no buildup to that, in my opinion. Even as people look back at a later point in life, they can usually see signs they missed the first time around. Explore these possible signs and slip them in so that we can be there in the moments with you.

    I can really hear your voice with this piece. I think you have a good balance not explaining absolutely all your childish actions away with later analyses as an adult, but you stay true to telling the story. Just add more introspection to help us understand how impacted you were by this friendship, and what this memoir really means to you. (Sorry about this textual eyesore…)

  13. Deviniti Donnabella

    Great piece. The voice of the narrator made me feel like a child again because it reminded me of the things that took place during those years of life. I like how you began the piece with a game of Monopoly, although it is a bit confusing at first what you are talking about. When you talk about the moment Sunny called you a loser, the build up of “then it happened” seemed too dramatic. I thought you were going to mention something more drastic. Like perhaps you had sex with Tiffany. Or lost your virginity with her or something.

    The connection between you and Sunny could have been described stronger so that readers could get a sense of stronger friendship. Perhaps you could tell more things you have done together. Things that were unique to your friendship. Things in which readers could really find that feeling of nostalgia.

  14. Joan Infante

    Storytelling was top notch. The buildup was beautifully done. The poker intro was nice and the explanation of runescape was well done too. But the ending happened so quickly. I wanted to know a little bit more about the fallout that occured between you guys. Did he try to contact you? Did you keep playing Runescape or any other current MMORPG? How have you changed as a person, due to this?

  15. Ruket Negasi

    I really liked this piece, especially how you tied it to the present and that you recall the feelings and moments from back then. The first part of the story had me confused at first because I wasn’t sure what to expect. I am not that big of a video game player which also made it a bit harder for me to relate to the story. However I think you did a great job with this piece.

  16. Josie

    I would like to know more of your feelings of your friend, Sunny. I would also like to know more about how Sunny feels about you. Also, why did you feel the loss of Sunny so strongly? I think that your beginning could be more clear that you are playing Monopoly. I do not understand your reference to the Third Reich.

  17. Krystal Temple

    I liked your piece, and thought you made a good use of voice with your narration. When I began to read the piece “Sunny’s Blues”, I expected to read about brothers that were opposite, going through the struggles of life. I think you tried to cleverly intertwine James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues, into your piece, with the dynamic of your relationship. I see a reference to jail in the beginning, which leads me to believe you did this as a reference to the story. However, I feel that there should be a little more of a connection to the piece, for you to name it this. This is just because, as a reader, this title incinuates certain expectations.
    I was also curious to find out, what were Sonny’s blues? In the Baldwin piece, he was referring to music, but I was a little unclear as to what blues you were referring to. I wanted to tap deeper into Sonny’s mind, so that maybe I could understand this character and his blues more.

  18. Amilka Lopez

    I thought I had written a comment for this piece, but I didn’t so here it goes.
    I really like your style of writing. I like how you are very descriptive when bringing back the events that meant most to you. As it was said in class in the opening paragraph you spoke about Monopoly, (which i had no idea since I myself don’t play as much) but maybe this is something you should make more clear because if it were someone else that doesn’t play Monopoly as often they would not understand what you were trying to convey. In revision, i would say to add more emotions to the piece. I would like to know how Sunny may have felt after the friendship was ruined? how did you feel? I was a bit confused when you spoke about your wet dream with Tiffany .

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    TRENTON, N.J. (AP) – After an unexpected loss in which he threw four interceptions in September, Auburn quarterback Payton Thorne heard from bettors angry that his subpar statistics lost bets for them. Some contacted him over the Venmo cash transfer app, asking him to refund their losses.

    In March, North Carolina basketball player Armando Bacot said he got over 100 direct messages on social media from angry gamblers when he did not make enough rebounds for their bets to win.

    Now the state whose U.S. Supreme Court victory led to an explosion of legal sports betting across America is considering banning such bets involving the statistical performance of college athletes.

    New Jersey argues that student athletes are more accessible and thus more vulnerable to pressure and harassment than professional players, given that they eat in the same dining halls, live in the same dorms and attend classes with many other students.

    “Not all of what has come from the legalization of sports betting has been positive,” said state Sen. Kristin Corrado.

    A bill before the state Legislature would ban so-called proposition bets, commonly known as “props,” on what a particular athlete does or doesn’t do in a game. That can include how many touchdowns a quarterback throws, how many yards a running back accumulates, or how many rebounds a basketball player collects.

    Austin Mayo, assistant director of government relations for the NCAA, said 1 in 3 players in sports that are heavily bet on have reported receiving harassment from gamblers.

    The association wants such bets prohibited nationwide. If it passes the bill, New Jersey would join 13 other states that ban college prop bets, according to the American Gaming Association: Ohio, Maryland, Vermont, Louisiana, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, Oregon, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.

    But Bill Pascrell III, a lobbyist for numerous gambling and sports-betting companies, said there has not been a demonstrable level of serious harm from college prop bets, which he said constitute 2% to 4% of the legal sports betting industry.

    “When we ban any type of bet, particularly those that had been legalized, we’re pushing the bettor to the black market,” he said.

    New Jersey allows betting on college games but prohibits it on teams from New Jersey or on games from out-of-state teams that are physically played in New Jersey.

    Pascrell said that the recent tournament success of New Jersey colleges Seton Hall and St. Peter’s were bet on, either with illegal offshore internet sites, or legally by gamblers traveling to other states where it is permitted.

    The bill was approved and released from an Assembly committee Thursday. It still must be approved by both full chambers of the Legislature and signed by Gov. Phil Murphy to become law.

    New Jersey’s lawsuit challenging a ban on legal sports betting in all but four U.S. states led to a 2018 Supreme Court ruling allowing any state in the nation to offer it; 38 currently do, and Missouri will soon become the 39th.


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    Star Entertainment Group has a difficult road ahead and remains in an “extremely challenging position,” its incoming chief executive says, but its leadership believes it can survive a significant cash crunch on top of its other regulatory issues.

    Steve McCann told Star’s annual general meeting at The Star Brisbane on Thursday the troubled casino company had made progress on a range of important issues but revenue had continued to decline significantly amid challenges in implementing cashless play.

    Meanwhile the cost of Star’s transformation and the cost of external advice and assistance Star has required have continued to be at inflated levels, said Mr McCann, whose appointment as CEO and managing director remains subject to regulatory approvals.

    Star chairwoman Anne Ward said that while Star had significant short-term liquidity issues and significant financial pressures, its directors were of the view that Star could continue as a going concern if it was successful on a range of matters.

    Those include meeting various conditions to allow it to access two $100 million debt facilities, securing additional sources of liquidity and further progressing its plans for longer-term funding.

    Star incurred an operating loss of $18 million in the September quarter, with its revenue dropping 18 per cent to $351 million.

    It had $149 million in cash available as of September 30, the company announced October 29.

    Company executives are working to raise $150 million in subordinated capital, which would allow it to access the second $100 million in debt.

    Revenue is down 15.5 per cent at Star’s Queensland and NSW casinos since cashless and mandatory carded play in those states began, with phasing in those processes proving to be complex and challenging for Star’s technology and operational teams.

    “With our Sydney implementation, new hardware has had to be created by our third-party suppliers, new software has had to be created, so we are learning along the way,” Ms Ward said.

    Mr McCann said the requirement that Star implement cashless play had also created an unlevel playing field for the company’s casinos, leading it to lose market share to competitors.

    Ms Ward, who became Star’s chairwoman in April, told shareholders that the company was also working to rebuild trust and healthy relationship with regulators – and she knows they’ve heard that that before.

    “I know that shareholders have heard similar assertions and promises to act in the past, but I assure you we have already taken action,” Ms Ward.

    “These important changes are well progressed and are showing promise.”

    Star has been in turmoil ever since 2021 when it was revealed that its casinos had been used for large-scale money laundering and criminal infiltration of junkets.

    Senior executives who came onboard in 2022 to clean up with the culture took a combative approach with regulators and departed in March amid a second government inquiry into whether Star should retain its NSW casino license.

    Ms Ward acknowledged that the past 12 months had been an “incredibly difficult period” for the Star.

    “The company has experienced very significant leadership changes, challenging operating conditions, declining revenues, another public inquiry, further asset write-downs and serious financial and ongoing liquidity challenges,” Ms Ward said.

    Ms Ward said that a new decentralised operating model in which each casino is overseen by a local CEO will ensure closer oversight and accountability for operations.

    But she said that true cultural transformation would take time and a deep commitment to embed lasting change.

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    Multiple Starbucks coffee shops in Hong Kong were vandalised over the weekend

    Starbucks has emerged as the latest brand to fall foul of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protesters after a family member of the restaurant chain that owns the local franchise spoke out against demonstrators.

    Multiple branches were covered with graffiti over the weekend as the city witnessed some of the most intense clashes between hardcore protesters and riot police in weeks.

    One cafe in the district of Wanchai was daubed with slogans saying “boycott”, as well as insults to the police and Maxim’s Caterers — the major Hong Kong restaurant chain that runs Starbucks outlets in the city.

    The vandalism illustrates the huge pressures on international brands as Hong Kong is shaken by its worst political unrest in decades.

    Beijing is piling pressure on businesses to publicly condemn the protests.

    Those that do risk a protester backlash, but staying silent risks financial punishment on the mainland — a far more lucrative market.

    The boycott campaign against Maxim’s snowballed after Annie Wu, the daughter of Maxim’s wealthy founder, delivered a speech earlier this month in which she condemned the protests and said Beijing’s hardline stance against democracy advocates should be supported.

    She was speaking at the UN’s human rights council in Geneva alongside Pansy Ho, a billionaire casino magnate who made similar calls.

    Their comments were seized on by protesters and portrayed as an example of how Hong Kong’s wealthy elite are out of touch with public sentiment and in the pockets of Beijing.

    Workers clean graffiti from a Starbucks outlet in Hong Kong after the coffee chain was targetted by protesters because of comments made by the franchise holder’s daughter

    Prominent democracy campaigner Joshua Wong was among those calling for a boycott of Starbucks, and more than 50,000 people have signed a petition asking the Seattle-headquartered company to sever ties with Maxim’s.

    “We herein urge the Board of Directors to consider whether Maxim’s truly represents the social values of Starbucks and terminate the franchise to Maxim’s immediately,” Wong wrote on Twitter on Friday.

    Asked for comment, Maxim’s sent a statement dated 25 September in which it said Wu “is not employed in any position or capacity at the company”.

    It also added that it was “deeply concerned about the safety of our frontline team due to the incidents happened at our outlets”.

    Other major brands have been rounded on by protesters — either for pro-Beijing comments made by owners or because the owners themselves are linked to the Communist Party in China.

    Yoshinoya, a popular noodle chain, and Genki Sushi — also run by Maxim’s — have been repeatedly tagged with graffiti, along with Bank of China branches.

    Brands deemed to be sympathetic to protesters have also had a torrid time and faced boycotts on the mainland.

    Authorities in China tore into Cathay Pacific after staff joined protests, forcing the company to go through stricter regulatory checks.

    The moves led to major staff changes on Cathay’s board — including the resignation of its CEO — as well as multiple staff being fired for expressing pro-democracy sentiments, something some employees have described as a “purge”.

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    Mobile casinos weren’t always the rage they are now. Earlier, if you wanted to go to a casino, it was someplace like Vegas or Atlanta, where casinos were all about the glamour and glitz. The biggest drawback was how expensive these casino trips were. Compared to the expense of the travel, stay, bookings, and gameplay, mobile casinos seemed like a boon!

    Mobile casinos are the best way to enjoy the games without wasting money on plane tickets and hotel stays. The mobile revolution and the start of apps on smartphones transformed the casino games segment completely. Suddenly, there were thousands like me who could log on and play these games with players from around the world. Anyone with a smartphone could play from anywhere and gamble in peace – even from the comfort of their own living rooms or backyards.

    Mobile Casino Revolution From A to Z

    However, having all this at your fingertips does not mean you must not practice responsible gameplay. In fact, responsible gaming is the key to a stress-free, happy time. Understanding how to detach yourself from the pull of the games is extremely important for your mental health and financial well-being.

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    Initially, games were only accessed via a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). It was quite slow and tiresome compared to what is easily available today. Additionally, with most games, finding the right version that fit with your mobile phone was a recurring nightmare. Compatibility issues were non-stop on different phone models, and the entire mobile gaming experience would turn sour very quickly.

    Smartphones and Mobile Gaming:

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    YouTuber-turned-boxer Jake Paul’s victory over former heavyweight world champion Mike Tyson has sparked somewhat of a backlash – especially given the the 31-year age gap between the fighters.

    Paul, 27, clinched the bout via a unanimous points decision at the AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas – the biggest NFL stadium in the US.

    The fight, watched by millions on Netflix, was marred by controversy, with boos ringing around the stadium in the final two rounds as spectators were left unimpressed by the lack of action.

    The bout was dressed up as a professional boxing bout, but many in the sport were left uneasy.

    Despite Tyson being an all-time boxing great, there is no getting away from the fact he is a 58-year-old grandfather who was taking on a 27-year-old gym jock.

    The build-up was dominated by accusations of fixing from past and present boxers, while a fake script also did the rounds before the fight got underway.

    Although Paul maintained the legitimacy of the fight in the pre-match press conferences, he frustrated fans by admitting he failed to knock out Tyson on purpose.

    By the final round, few punches were thrown with Paul landing 78 and Tyson connecting with his rival just 18 times.

    Jake Paul’s victory over former heavyweight world champion Mike Tyson has sparked somewhat of a backlash


     Bets banned across the US

    It is alarming that several US states banned betting on Friday night’s fight between Paul and Tyson.  

    Though the fight was professionally sanctioned, Paul and Tyson fought in eight two-minute rounds as opposed to the regular three-minute versions. 

    Read More

    Fans claim Mike Tyson-Jake Paul fight was fixed… and they think they’ve found the proof

    The pair were also wearing 14oz gloves rather than the usual 10oz numbers worn by heavyweights. 

    According to ESPN, seven out of the 38 American states where sports wagering is legalised banned gambling on the fight for that very reason.

    New York, Pennsylvania and Colorado are said to be among the states who would not take bets, with the New York State Gaming Commission saying it was not eligible for wagering because of the ‘non-traditional rules’.

    Colorado and Pennsylvania gambling chiefs coincided with that view, while the former cited not all fighters being professionally ranked as another reason why.

    Pennsylvania also justified their decision to ban gambling on the fight by pointing to the shorter number of rounds.

    ‘Given the totality of factors, the decision was made in the best interest of the betting public not to permit wagering in Pennsylvania,’ a source is quoted as saying.

    Among the 31 states that did offer bets on the contest, some raised concerns beforehand about the potential ramifications if both men treated it as more of an exhibition-style event than a competitive fight. 

    Jake Paul bows in respect to former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson during their Texas bout


    Allegations of ‘fixing’ from past and present boxers 

    Former world champion Carl Froch claimed there was ‘something in the contract’ that would prevent Tyson ‘from even trying to hurt Paul’. 

    Claiming there was no way Tyson would ever win, he told GB News before the fight: ‘I think it’s a scripted fight and will last three or four rounds. 

    ‘Jake Paul will definitely win; Tyson might start well but then he’ll fall over.

    ‘Paul can’t lose. It’s in the contract, he can’t lose. He is a useless w****r.’

    Meanwhile a boxer on the undercard of the Netflix boxing event also claimed the fight was ‘fixed’. 

     Sara Bailey, the women’s WBA world light flyweight champion who supported Lucas Bahdi on the undercard, told ES NEWS: ‘Yeah, it was fixed, I’m sorry.’ Bahdi himself remarked on Paul’s performance, saying, ‘I think he [Paul] took it easy.’

    Former world champion Carl Froch claimed there was ‘something in the contract’ that would prevent Tyson ‘from even trying to hurt Paul’


    Paul ‘signals’ to Tyson 

    Some viewers have claimed to have pinpointed the moment that proves the fight was fixed

    ‘Jake Paul signaling for Mike to take it easy,’ one fan wrote on X in a post that included a clip of Tyson landing a chin shot.

    Paul reacted to the punch by sticking his tongue out and taunting Tyson, as if to say the punch didn’t bother him. It’s something that Paul has done in previous fights, and even outside of the ring, the former YouTube star has made a habit of sticking out his tongue.

    But according to these conspiracy theorists, Tyson was ‘signaling.’

    Spokespeople for Most Valuable Promotions declined to comment when contacted by A Netflix spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Jake Paul signaling for Mike to take it easy.

    — Billy (@tractor_owner) November 16, 2024

    Jake Paul sticks out his tongue at Mike Tyson after taking a chin shot during his victory 

    At the end of the match, Tyson was embraced by Paul and the two shared a brief exchange 


    Fake script leaked ahead of fight

     A fake script for the Dallas brawl did the rounds on social media, adding fuel to the fire over whether the fight was fixed.

    A user on X claimed to leak a detailed script of proceedings, even ‘revealing’ who would knocked out in the fifth round.

    The Mail must highlight the suspicious nature of the document, shared by an anonymous account with 204 followers. 

    Not only did it purport to script how the crowd would react at particular moments – implying that everybody would have to be in on the act – but it also claimed a cut would open above Tyson’s eye on cue in the fourth round.

    Despite the script being unfounded – and failing to materialise – it provoked a strong reaction from boxing fans.

    A fake script for the Dallas brawl did the rounds on social media, adding fuel to the fire over whether the fight was fixed


    Mike Tyson’s former coach questions legitimacy of fight

    Iron Mike’s former coach Teddy Atlas also raised concerns over whether the fight was fixed.

    He told The Sun before the fight: ‘My only question … is it real? Maybe it is, I would hope it is.

    ”But is there going to be an honest effort to do what is always looking to be done, to go and destroy that guy, to knock him out?’


    Paul admits he didn’t want to knock Tyson out 

    Paul claimed after the fight that he deliberately avoided knocking out Tyson.

    The former world heavyweight lost on points, but went the full eight rounds against the YouTuber-turned-boxer.

    Asked about not going for the knockout blow, Paul said afterwards: ‘There was a point where I was like he is not really engaging back. 

    ‘So I don’t know if he is tired. I can just tell his age was showing a little bit. 

    ‘I just have so much respect for him and that war thing between us after he slapped me, I wanted to be aggressive, take him down and knock him out.

    ‘But that kind of went away as the rounds went on.

    ‘I wanted to give the fans a show, but I didn’t want to hurt someone that didn’t need to be hurt.’

    MailOnline has contacted Most Valuable Promotions about the ‘fixing’ allegations.

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    The wagering requirements for Kats Casino’s no deposit bonus in 2023 typically range between 30x to 50x, depending on the specific promotion. This means that any winnings from the no deposit bonus must be wagered 30 to 50 times before you can withdraw them as cash.

    For example, if you win $50 from a no deposit bonus with a 30x requirement, you’ll need to wager $1,500 in total ($50 x 30) to be eligible for withdrawal. Additionally, certain games may contribute differently to these requirements, with slots often contributing 100%, while table games may contribute less.

    Always check the bonus terms on Kats Casino’s promotions page for the most accurate and up-to-date information on wagering requirements.

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    SYDNEY, Nov 13 (Reuters) – New Zealand on Wednesday proposed to limit the number of licenses for online casino gambling operators, require them to set up an age verification system and ban advertisements aimed at children, as it looks to rein in the fast-growing sector.

    Offenders will be fined up to NZ$5 million ($3 million), with the new regulatory system expected to be in place from early 2026, Internal Affairs Minister Brooke van Velden said.

    “My goal is not to increase the amount of gambling that is happening online, but to enable New Zealanders who wish to play casino games online to do so more safely than they can today,” Van Velden said in a statement.

    “Currently, New Zealanders can and do gamble on thousands of offshore gambling websites. By introducing a regulatory system my intention is to channel customers towards up to fifteen licensed operators.”

    The government in July said it would set up licenses for online casinos, require operators to limit their offerings to online casino games, not sports betting or lottery products, and impose a minimum age of 18 for players.

    Online casino gambling is currently not regulated in New Zealand and so consumer protection requirements do not apply.

    With the convenience and accessibility of online platforms and due to the increasing popularity of smartphones, more customers in New Zealand are opting to gamble online, according to research firm Statista. Revenue from such platforms could see an annual growth of around 6% between 2024 and 2029, it said.

    Further regulations will be developed based on the existing gambling law that would help finalise rules on advertising and consumer protection requirements, Van Velden said. The government aims to introduce the bill in parliament next year.

    ($1 = 1.6886 New Zealand dollars)

    (Reporting by Renju Jose in Sydney; Editing by Sonali Paul)

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